Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wizard World part 2

Here's some pictures from Wizard World. I did this sketch on Friday during downtime.

Here's me doing a sketch of The Thing.

Some notable sketches I did for other people this past weekend:
The Thing (see above)
A fish (I found that I'm a sucker for little girls wanting free sketches)
An octopus singing karaoke to "my favorite song"
A troll

Here's a picture of my pal and table mate, Sarah Frary, getting her Cthulhu on.

Here are some concept sketches I did between chit-chatting and sketching on Saturday. It's a start of some work I'm doing for Dragonblood Miniatures so this stuff will actually be made into miniatures. Being an old miniature collector/fan myself, I'm pretty excited about that.

I also did a few other sketches but didn't think they were worth posting, notably a rough of a gothic cowboy guy and a Frankenstein that I was really stoked with that I'll definitely bring to a complete piece. I've been wanting to do a Creature of the Black Lagoon (easily one of the coolest monster designs ever) so maybe I'll do a series of old-school monsters. We'll see.
Sunday was relatively slow at the con so another artist suggested we do some big artwork. He gave me a piece of cheap poster board and I did this mermaid. I've never worked this big before (she's 24"x36") and it was a lot of fun. I plan on getting more poster board and doing more big stuff. I had a few offers to buy her but I wasn't ready to part with just yet so I declined and brought her home.

Again, all and all, it was a great show and I have some plans for next year. I'll definitely have a few books complete by then. I'm looking forward to it already.
I also sold a few pieces of artwork this week already which is always cool. The Fish Show, which is still hanging at Z Tejas here in downtown Austin sold a few fish and I sold the original artwork for the "Enough With the Smarties Already!!" piece.
Well that's pretty much it for con season. It will be much needed work time for the next couple of months. My next show will be Staple! here in Austin.


Anonymous said...

dig the beard ;)

CS Jennings said...

miniatures! awesome. i will buy them and paint them and love them.

the baby head thing is sweet... unless it's a midget head thing... and it's still sweet.

a bashful mermaid? that's a change.