Friday, August 31, 2007

Cottage Fish

I had to take a month off from the fish. I love sushi and all but that was a lot of fish. But now with renewed vigor they are back. Don't ask me where this guy came from but I have been thinking about drawing a fish with a building on his (or her) back for awhile.
I am currently working on compiling and laying out the first "Fish Book" (working title) which I hope to have completed sometime in the next month. Stay tuned.


alicia policia said...

Oooh! I like the cottage fish! I especially like his protuberant wonky eyes.

It's nice to see all this new stuff posted - glad to have you back from the cons. Now I'm all inspired to do work and stuff to post on my own damn blog. Thanks!

Mrs. T said...

so could this also be a turtle fish??