Monday, June 18, 2007

The Fish Show part 4/Friend Appreciation Post

Well The Fish Show went off pretty cool Friday night. I had a lot of friends show up; friends from Houston, Fort Worth, and lots from here locally (Austin). I took my camera and took exactly zero pictures (that is typical of me, I'm not a picture-taker kind of guy). Hopefully some of my peeps took some and will send me a few so I can post them.
I did some drawing, sold some fish, jibber-jabbered and generally had a great time. I wanted to send out major kudos to those of you who showed up. I really, really appreciate it. And you guys from out of town that travelled to come hang out, super-duper, major kudos to you. Thanks again, I love you guys.


Sarah Frary said...

Hell yeah! Congratulations and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, dude! Woohoo!

CS Jennings said...

Man, I'm glad to hear it went well. I was really sorry to miss it. I drove down to Abilene Friday to see my grandparents--neither who are doing well.

Congrats again! I'm stoked it was a success.